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Cabos TST – Dedicados e profissionais na produção e operação de cabos/fios especiais para veículos ferroviários por dez anos. Temos uma equipe completa de P&D e fabricação. Os cabos/fios ferroviários são fabricados estritamente de acordo com os padrões da indústria e passaram por certificações relevantes, como ISO e CRCC.


Sensores de veículos desempenham um papel crítico em sistemas automotivos modernos, permitindo várias funcionalidades, como segurança, eficiência e conveniência. Esses sensores dependem de cabos para transmitir sinais e energia entre os sensores e os sistemas de controle do veículo.

Os sistemas de iluminação de transporte ferroviário evoluíram com a expansão das redes de transporte urbano. Esses sistemas visam fornecer iluminação adequada para estações, plataformas, túneis e vagões de trem, aumentando a visibilidade e a segurança dos passageiros. A iluminação eficaz é crucial para o conforto, a segurança e a operação eficiente dos passageiros em ambientes de transporte ferroviário.

Vehicle brake systems are designed to decelerate or stop a vehicle in response to the driver’s demand. The brake system ensures stable stopping in various road conditions and maintains speed while driving downhill.

The development of PIS systems aims to meet the growing demand for efficient communication and information dissemination in transportation networks. These systems provide passengers with up-to-date information regarding routes, schedules, delays, and other relevant details. PIS systems are commonly found in trains, buses, airports, and other public transportation facilities.

Over the years, Vehicle door systems have undergone significant advancements, transitioning from manual operations to advanced electronic systems. Modern Vehicle door systems encompass various components such as Vehicle door locks, handles, latches, power windows, and mirrors. These components require reliable and efficient communication and power transmission, with cables playing a crucial role in this aspect.

Rail interconnections have evolved as an effective method for providing power to electric trains and trams. These connections enable the transmission of power from overhead lines to the trains, eliminating the need for onboard power sources. The catenary connections consist of cables that connect the pantograph on the train to the overhead lines, ensuring a continuous and reliable power supply.

The development of vehicle air conditioning systems has revolutionized the comfort and convenience of modern vehicles. These systems rely on various components, including cables, to ensure efficient operation and optimal cooling performance.

The development of vehicle safety monitoring systems has significantly enhanced the safety of vehicles on the road. Cables play a crucial role in these systems, enabling the transmission of data and power to various safety components.

The development of vehicle traction systems has revolutionized the automotive industry by providing efficient and reliable power transmission to drive vehicles. Cables play a crucial role in these systems, enabling the transmission of power and control signals.

The demand for enhanced safety, increased efficiency, and improved railway operational capacity has driven the development of Rail transit train control system. Traditional signaling systems, such as wayside signals, have limitations in terms of accuracy and capacity.


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